Project - Almias

Project: Almias

SvelteSvelteKitTailwindSkeletonUISaaSLMS is our flagship SaaS product providing a next-level learning management system (LMS) specifically for elementary schools. We built it using a modern SvelteKit frontend, Supabase backend and leveraged additional libraries like SkeletonUI and Tailwind for styling. It combines traditional administrative LMS features while integrating seamlessly with digital books from major educational publishers. Schools get instant access to search across thousands of ebook pages to pinpoint the exact content they need. The intuitive UI provides easy administration of classes, students, permissions and more while focusing on quick content retrieval. Our automated integrations with publisher book databases removes tedious uploading/formatting work for teachers when adopting ebooks. We worked directly with a variety of school districts and publishers while building Almias to shape a tool that uniquely meets rapidly evolving needs in elementary edtech and digital book adoption. The result is an LMS poised to set a new standard for how schools utilize and teach with educational ebooks.

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