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SvelteSvelteKitPassword ManagerTailwindSaaSSupabase is a secure cloud-based password manager I built with one of my friends in just one weekend! The frontend is created with SvelteKit for speed and SEO, styled using Tailwind CSS for a clean, responsive design. User authentication and data is stored securely in a Supabase backend. Sensitive data is end-to-end encrypted to ensure privacy. Users can store passwords, credit card information and other personal data safely behind a master password. The app allows convenient access to saved passwords across devices. Users can auto-generate strong, random passwords for new accounts. Important password data is backed up to the cloud automatically. I leveraged SvelteKit's great performance and small bundle sizes to create a fast, secure passwords app that works great on all devices. The scalable Supabase backend ensures that the app can grow to millions of users.

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